Leading Loan Agency provider Nordic Trustee has launched “Loan Portal”
As part of our loan agency services, we have successfully launched an innovative digital online tool “Loan Portal” tailored for our clients in Direct Lending. We are part of driving innovation in loan and debt capital markets by providing digital infrastructure as part of our services to the benefit of clients and related stakeholders.
The launch of our easily accessible and intuitive “Loan Portal” creates a technical milestone in providing live loan data to lenders, borrowers and their advisors. Stakeholders will gain online and real-time access to data and information relating to Facility Agreements and Facilities, Interest Calculations (historic and upcoming), Drawdowns, Capitalisations and Repayments, Commitments and Commitment Fees, upcoming Events (compliance schedule and payment dates) and a complete Deal Calendar, and more. We are providing this premium data-interface to our clients free of charge and as part of our Loan Agency service offering.
The link to Loan Portal’s marketing brochure can be found here.
To request a demo of our Loan Portal, please visit loanportal.nordictrustee.dev08.dekodes.no/login.
About Nordic Trustee’s Loan Agency services
Established in 1993, Nordic Trustee (an Ocorian company) is the leading and most experienced independent provider of loan agency and trustee services in Northern Europe. In addition to acting as bond trustee in ~3,000 ongoing bond assignments for more than 850 issuers, Nordic Trustee provides a wide range of independent and conflict-free services for borrowers and lenders in the direct lending markets in the Nordics and Continental Europe. For example, we regularly take on the roles as Facility Agent, Security Agent, Paying Agent, Calculation Agent, Replacement Agent, Restructuring Agent etc. and mandates cover the entire spectrum from small unitranche- to complex large cap transactions in the areas of M&A, infrastructure, corporates, project finance and real estate financings.